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Modern Slavery Act Statement

Statement of Nimble Global Ltd ('The Company') pursuant to Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, reflecting our ongoing commitment to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.


Organizational Structure and Supply Chains

Nimble Global Ltd is a global advisory service for contingent labor compliance headquartered in London, United Kingdom. Our organization consists of:

  1. Executive Leadership: A CEO overseeing company strategy and operations.

  2. Functional Departments: Advisory Services, Compliance, Human Resources, Finance and Administration, and Marketing and Business Development.

  3. Employee Base: We employ full-time staff, with additional contract workers engaged on a project basis.

Our supply chains primarily include:

  • Technology Providers

  • Professional Services (legal firms, accountants)

  • Subcontractors for specialized advisory services


Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking

The Company is dedicated to preventing slavery and human trafficking in all its corporate activities and ensuring that its supply chains are free from such practices. We maintain and enforce a Business Partners' Code of Conduct, requiring all suppliers and contractors to commit to:

  1. Freely Chosen Employment

  2. Child Labour Avoidance

  3. Lawful Employment

  4. Non-Discrimination

  5. Freedom of Association

  6. Safe Working Conditions

  7. Compliance with Working Hours and Wages Laws


Due Diligence Processes

We undertake due diligence when considering new clients and regularly review existing ones. This includes:

  • Online searches to verify the organization has never been convicted of modern slavery offenses

  • Inclusion of our anti-slavery policy in all client contracts


Risk Assessment and Management

Our risk assessment and management process includes:

  1. Annual Risk Mapping of our global operations and supply chains

  2. Supplier Risk Assessment for new and existing suppliers

  3. Risk Categorization (low, medium, high) determining audit frequency

  4. Continuous Monitoring using internal reviews

  5. Incident Response Plan for addressing identified instances or allegations

  6. Risk Mitigation Strategies, including enhanced due diligence, increased audits, training programs, and collaborations

  7. Regular Review and Update of our processes


Effectiveness in Ensuring Slavery and Trafficking is Not Taking Place

We measure the effectiveness of our approach through the following:

  • Annual review of our Modern Slavery Policy

  • Monitoring the number and nature of issues reported through our reporting mechanisms

  • Tracking completion rates of required training programs


Training on Modern Slavery and Trafficking

The Company requires all internal employees and management to complete training on modern slavery. Our Business Partners must also complete training programs and certify their understanding and compliance annually.


Reporting Mechanisms

We have established a confidential and anonymous channel for employees and external stakeholders to report suspicions of slavery or human trafficking. All reports are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions are taken.


Annual Review and Transparency

The Company commits to reviewing its Modern Slavery Policy annually and reporting publicly on its progress in ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.


CEO's Commitment

I support our Modern Slavery Policy and am committed to ensuring our practices reflect our ethical standards. I encourage all employees and business partners to uphold these principles and report any concerns regarding modern slavery in our operations or supply chains.


David Ballew, Chief Executive Officer


V. 26Sept24

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